Song Without an End

Mother Gaia


I am Gaia, Mother Earth’s wisdom keeper, we are one in consciousness.  You may feel my presence as you commune with spirit, as you walk the earth, in nature in particular. Feeling the ocean breeze, the scent of the pine forest, hearing the thunder’s roll.  The earth mothers’ heartbeat is as palpable as your own when you move into the silent space of deep listening.  Whenever you sit alone in meditation, or walk in nature, you can feel the energy enveloping you, filling you, as you breathe. Feel this now as an open invitation from me, always alive and calling to you.


I welcome communication with you, so that we may be partners in this great shift, the transformation in the world that you may be experiencing in your hearts and minds, as you turn your focus away from the suffering and the chaos in the world and turn your attention to the energies rising around you that are spiritual in nature. You may feel these higher energies as you allow them to enter your heart, using your own wisdom and awareness that there is much beauty in yourself and in others in your life, in all of humanity, that is reflected in nature. 


This presence is reflected in each part of nature, in whatever kingdom you are witnessing. The trees, the respiration of the wind, the power of Mother Earth felt through your feet as you walk upon her, as you imagine walking in your meditation, or walking upon the Mother directly.  Be aware of opening your heart and your body’s intelligence which are sacred, and listen to all of the songs of the earth that flow from the trees, the plants and their deep roots, from all beings that are rooted, giving you sustanence and stability.  When you are available to receive this energy from nature, there is a generosity that can open the hardest of human hearts.  If you are willing to trust yourself enough to open to it, you will receive messages from any part of nature that you are in communion with, in ocean, earth or sky, matters not! 


We are desirous of your communion with us!  We are the collective consciousness of your earth mother, which you may experience through many different spirits in nature, in all kingdoms.  You may hear them, you may feel their presence in every season, for there is life abundant, powerful and full of grace that surrounds you because you are also a part of it all, beloved humans.  Allow the awe of your own spirit to awaken as you recognize your own belonging to all of life.


Everything in nature has a spirit and has a voice.  As you learn to listen, even in winter, there are powerful voices that will speak to you.  In spring, you will hear voices of emerging ones being reborn into the warmth of spring, coming alive again and reminding you, you were only asleep for a short time, though your soul never sleeps and your awareness can be reborn, re-awakened in any moment, any miraculous living moment, when you turn your gaze in the direction of spirit which is eternally alive and willing to speak with you.  Do you understand, my beloved humans?   


Do you understand how you belong to life, just as the tree, the hawk, the mouse belong? This same universal wisdom exists within you. Only your limited mind continues to believe in separation of species, kingdoms and races. All belong. You belong to this magnificent universe. Do you feel the joy within this message which is a song without an end?  Just as you are in your own unique beauty, a song without an end.


The rooted ones, the winged ones, the waters, the sky, the wind, the fire, all of these provide reflections that exist within your own physical and spiritual nature.  How majestic is this consciousness that you embody!  Be grateful, my beloved ones, for your time in human form.  Be grateful for the senses you are given to fully experience all the gifts of being human, for difficult times as well as the joyful times bring you wisdom and deeper understanding of life. All things flow from the universal love of your Creator, including your own heart, body, mind and soul.


I rejoice in our communion.  Come be with me in your consciousness for I am one with you, as you are one with me in your expanding awareness of being spirit within physical form and a part of the harmony and wholeness of Mother Earth.  Contemplate your part in the reclaiming of the original pristine vision of Mother Earth as the planet of divine love.


Your love is needed, while you are in a sacred physical body and in this way you are assisting in the co-creation of the New Earth.


You walk in beauty, and so it is, always. And so it is.


Transmission during an “outside of time”communication with Mother Gaia. 

In humility and deep gratitude to Gaia, 

I am Sophia



Trust This Truth!


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