Reflections serve to inspire, question and explore life concerns from a higher perspective

Sophia Murphy Sophia Murphy

The New Earth: Crossing the Threshold

To live or not to live? dost thou ask doubtless knowing what is already beating within my chest, a passion notwithstanding, a fear of knowing the truth? For a precious force of love doth move this heart to speak…

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Sophia Murphy Sophia Murphy

From Sorrowing into Light

The Holy Land, The ancient story, Unhealed trauma calling forth repetition of trauma and violence. Is a higher perspective possible?

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Sophia Murphy Sophia Murphy

Staying the Course

If we are traveling in a water-worthy boat down a river, there are some things we already know about the journey, even before beginning it.

We know there will be turns and maybe falls we will need to maneuver. We know the current‘s speed and depth may change unexpectedly, depending on unforseen or unseen forces in the depths below us…

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Sophia Murphy Sophia Murphy

Thoughts on Spiritual Mastery

“Become like Water”

Question: “ When do we stop being the student in life and become the master? “

Mastery is becoming the all-encompassing love that heals the heart. The master sees beauty in all things, all of life, no exceptions. The master knows healing is accepting things as they are, and acting from a place of peace, rather than resistance. Presence is living in a state of peace, so one is available to assist others in healing.

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Sophia Murphy Sophia Murphy

Dance, Lalla, Dance.

Seasons of an Ordinary Life Reflections on the words of Lalla, 14th century female Kashmirian poet and mystic:

Dance, Lalla, dance with nothing on.

Sing, Lalla, sing, wearing the sky.

Look at this glowing day!

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