From Sorrowing into Light

The Holy Land.  The ancient story.  Unhealed trauma calling forth repetition of trauma and violence. Is a higher perspective, a higher outcome possible?  Experiencing the recent outbreak of the old wounds of war between nations in the Holy land has registered shock and fear, as well as compassion in the hearts of millions on earth.  So many are asking why?  How could this happen?   The depth of anger and sorrow many are experiencing can be beyond comprehension to those not closely involved.   Even though the suffering in the Holy land is real, many people project their own unhealed trauma or anger into social media and in public rallies.  Sadly, the media worsens this by providing daily images of the violence which adds to the fear or hate. We see world governments take sides and send more arms to one side or the other, stoking the hatred and righteousness of those who seek revenge on both sides. The innocents without political power are caught in the middle and are the ones who suffer most. We see leaders and groups around the planet following suit and taking sides over which retaliation is justified, or which is not.   Is more human suffering the price we believe we have to pay for a historically misdirected idea of peace?


Seeking higher perspectives

Thankfully, despite the conflicted atmosphere that seems to surround us, there are many people who seek a higher perspective, and have the patience to lift the fog of rhetoric and look beneath it for a fuller picture of truth. Can we consider the background history and context for both nations of Israel and Palestine, while respecting our own personal background and beliefs? If seeking true, lasting peace, we can make the effort to keep our hearts and minds open to seeing things differently, and seeing from a heart of compassion. The suffering of a mother or father who has lost a precious child could be someone from either “side”.

 Some say all life is sacred and call for restraint, to refrain from taking sides. Millions of good-hearted people are calling not only for a cease fire but a way to end the ongoing conflict. Peacemakers know that hatred, whether in real time or in our thoughts, begets more hatred and more senseless acts of war.  I call a major cause of war the consciousness of vengeance. In its origin, it can derive from fear in the mind and emotions, the source being either real or imagined, from feelings inflamed by outer influences, or by one’s own experiences of trauma.  Of course, vengeance as an answer to conflict never worked and never will. Gandhi said  “An eye for an eye…makes the whole world blind.”  People with a heart for peace often seek to find inner peace, which requires rigorous self-awareness, humility and a love for humanity; a beautiful, courageous task, and not an easy path. Growing nner peace instills a knowing that springs from a connection between the heart and the mind, a joining of compassion for the suffering and a belief that peace is possible. In times like these, I’m reminded of this poem by Persian poet Jelaluddin Rumi:


“Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing,

There is a field.  I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,

The world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language, even the phrase each other

Doesn’t make any sense. “


My personal experience: 

October 7, 2023.  “This day broke into little pieces and fell into the ocean.” An ocean of emptiness and despair. A devastation so shocking, that the whole world has witnessed and experienced it in some way. For many days after I went to the Holy Land in my spirit and deeply felt the pain rising from the hearts of all those suffering. And I heard a cry rising from the very soil of this holy ground.


The trauma speaks:

Come to me,

the comfort, the dream of numbing.


Come to me, indescribable, impossible

ground on which I kneel, in complete surrender

to nothingness, my desire

not to feel what I feel,

the shock of the soul deep cruelty of hate.

God! no strength have I to hold this

Seeming end to so much goodness and beauty..


Yet you, grief, you my soul, tell me I must, I can.

Even though I cannot feel your light,

I can stand and walk, like Lazarus from his bed of death,

place one foot, then another.

To touch another hand reaching for me,

in this moment, the only hand in the world.

The silent warmth of your hand

is saving me.

Grace is holding me in timeless absentia.

Finally, my heart cracks open…

I allow a rawness, a distant knowing we are not different.

The secret is,

you, my enemy, are in me as I am in you.

Beyond our beliefs or disbeliefs,

Love binds us impossibly but inevitably together.

Neither can pass…we are the angel at the gate for each other.

The heart of Mother Earth is breaking open,

with the deepest wailing ever heard.

A great sound echoing from the past

into the present,

for all children of light who have been lost.

Now, a purification by fire, no justifications left, and

too late for claiming right or wrong. Only a purification

for all souls of light on earth, joining together,

holding the light of freedom high, illuminating the future:

An end forever to the consciousness of vengeance,

an end of the desire to destroy life

as a way to peace.

Through forgiveness, through grace,

peace is possible.

A biblical call resonating through time: 

I was in the Holy Land at age 13, and remember touching the wailing wall, seeing the folded notes to God in between the stones of the wall and feeling the immense energy there, which I only understood as an aching sadness and hope. Now I feel the foundation stones under Jerusalem, vibrating to the sound of peace, bringing forth A LIGHT THAT TRANSCENDS ALL DARKNESS.  A voice is rising from the stones:  “NO MORE VIOLENCE IN MY NAME! Judgment is mine, saith the Lord!” 

The end for all time of the belief that destroying life is necessary to bring forth peace in the earth.  I believe the hearts and minds transformed by this profound call will make angelic assistance to humanity possible. To judge is human, to forgive is divine.  Divine aid makes forgiveness possible. We begin to witness the tipping point we’ve been waiting for, for years, for generations..  Our angels are waiting patiently in the wings for our individual calls, forming a majestic chorus with humanity in unity with Mother Gaia, the spiritual consciousness of Mother Earth.  Flowers will bloom again amidst the barren, rocky soil of the Holy Land. 


The Spirit of One  

Mind, body, heart, finally bows to Spirit in the Self and within all people, within all things, as the only Source of our healing as individuals and as a world.  

Though achingly patient for us humans, the Spirit of One knows the human race is catching the vision, now sensing the power rising up in our hearts, even in the midst of our brokenness and sorrow.  Our long awaited TIME is here. WE, as the human race, are called to rise up now, as if from a bed of death and help bring forth a new dawn of the peace on earth that was meant to be... I am feeling it in the tenderest branches of my being, and in the most passionate fire in my heart!  I will do my part to realize this truth that our time has come, even if I do not live to see it in full manifestation.

The vision:

The sacrifice of the children of light from all sides here in the Holy land, and all wars through time, is transformed into a beauty of spiritual proportions in which future generations will honor them and remember their lives as a sacred blessing given, for the establishment of peace on earth. These beloved souls pass the flaming torch of love to the newly birthing ones of light in all lands, and those receiving them, now holding steadfast, a covenant of peace for the New Earth.  They sustain the light they carry with gentle or passionate unconditional love for those who are helping establish the peaceable kingdom on earth for all beings, for all time.


The task of those of us who are ignited by this fierce love will be the inconceivable yet possible miracle of forgiveness and release from the errors of the past, even the ancient past, allowing God to be the judge, as expressed through our higher consciousness and new human institutions of justice.  May we who are witnesses in this time of transformation hold the torch of freedom and peace so high the mountains are raised and the rivers finally flow free of the blood of innocents.        


May we receive this gift: For the first time in human history, to be living during a transformation on earth from the old consciousness of vengeance into a new testament of the power of love:  The power to move us individually and collectively, beyond the limitations of prejudice, hate, and fear that leads to the belief in the necessity for separation and war.  We, as daughters and sons of God, are called to be One in Spirit, to overcome the fear of our smaller selves in order to help create a more beautiful world. Archangel Michael is reported to have said, “Fear and Love cannot occupy the same space; the more you release fear, the more love comes in to take its place.”


A realization arises that the love within us has the power to transform the darkness in us and in the world, based on the re-establishment of our connection with the divine life force in ourselves and in all people.  


The New Earth: Imagine

Enough love can alchemize the shadow, the darkness, back into its origin, the profound generosity of unconditional love flowing from the Source of all life through us.  Imagine children and all who have a dedication to peace, hand in hand, surrounding the entire planet and radiating our heart-centered peace to the whole of humanity and all life on earth.  Can your mind imagine such an astonishing sight?   A joyful sound starts rippling from this energy, which is contagious, irresistible, leaving millions on earth wondering what has overcome them.  A shaking, a feeling lingers on…that cannot easily be dismissed.  Change from the inside out.  A new language of peace begins spontaneously arising from all corners of the earth…understood by all, especially the children and the elders.  Human freedoms will no longer be usurped by those with misqualified intentions, such as greed, and the desire for power over others. Those instilled with a consciousness of peace will teach the remaining ones who still believe in or unconsciously support a fear-based world view of victim/perpetrator and accept widespread suffering as the norm. They will be helped to understand a new way of being, a new way of living in community= comm-unity.   Community is based on learning cooperation at a young age, and mutual respect beyond race, religion or cultural differences. A consciousness of serving others will be the practical way to happiness, rather than self-serving habits of a me-first culture.  As we experience with amazement the new energies on planet earth already arising, love becomes our natural state of being, rather than simply an attitude. We stand astonished, humble and grateful as we awaken into our true God Selves, and the ability to see others in the same light.


Prophets have said, at the end of the{old}world,  “all things will be made new.”  We are privileged to be here to witness and participate in this return to the deepest yearning of our souls:   our ascension and the ascension of humanity into the magnificent divine purpose we were meant to fulfill and to create on earth…  “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. *



11:11 2023


Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace:


I offer you peace.

I offer you love. 


I offer you friendship.

I see your beauty.


I hear your need.

I feel your feelings.


My wisdom flows from the Highest Source.


I salute that Source in you.


Let us work together for unity and love.


-Mahatma Gandhi


*The inspiration for this phrase is taken from the book by Charles Eisenstein, “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.”




Fierce Love Can Move Mountains


Staying the Course