The New Earth: Crossing the Threshold
By Sophia Murphy
“To love or not to love, that is the question.” I awoke around two AM in the morning with these inscrutable words, which seemed to come out of nowhere, and I found them intriguing. I turned on the bedside light and began writing. It started in a Shakespearian voice then merged into the voice of an Irish mystic. Best if it is read aloud in a continuous stream as if a waterfall, with no expectation of much of it to make sense except to the possible mystic in you, the reader. The last part is a decree, to be spoken out loud, standing and facing the light. The more often it is repeated, the more the spiritual power of manifestation the words carry.
To love or not to love? dost thou ask doubtless knowing what is already beating within my chest, a passion notwithstanding, a fear of knowing the truth? For a precious force of love doth move this heart to speak with no hesitation to the searching look within your eyes beloved, as long as breath moves me to rise again in hope of yet another dawn!
So heavy doth the words come- heavy yet full of light, deep sorrow for having ever forgotten my promise to thee that swore never to forsake thee, not without such deep compassion for a life long spent in the search? The darkest nights and the longest days having passed, ere yet a song remains here, even beyond the farthest star I can view from this desolate earth on which I stand. So be it I finally find, I swear, a deeper reverance for life, life more forsworn than ever have I known before, whilst a thousand heartbeats passed unnoticed! For harken the nightingale is here, she sings outside my window night after night as proper recompense for all the nays, all the sorrows felt yet denied til the dawn rose to be then required to allow the tears of truth to flow. A new beginning thus arises as I foresaw and knew the fear in your eyes that I might say to you “I am finished.” No beloved of my heart I foreswear to lifetimes hence that I would be heartsore to ever forsake my vow to thee, the bond even in the darkest harvest of my days would I never turn away from, thereby finding my eyes opening to the fervent light of God besieging this pure heart of mine once again… finally resting my heart and soul in your firm everlasting arms knowing here, I am home. Always, here I am home.
‘Tis true I now foreswear it and turn my back from this day forward on my cleverest adversary- fear, in all its many faces in these human days I have lived. So you see now wisdom of all my ages arises from the dark days of ignorance into a deeply remembered pool of light I sat beside making certain the bond I made was inviolable, no matter the ravages of time or fear or doubt could never rend me from your eternal grasp on my soul, O God! Be it known a promise made and a promise kept it was, despite little secrets I tried to keep from you that you might in the end forgive me for, yes knowing the frailty of those secrets that couldn’t be hid from you and would be blessed, yes, every one would be blessed in the end. And knowing for true that joy sublime would always shine at the end of each life as I returned to Thee.. “well done, good and faithful servant” your words holy salve for my heart, aching for the losses yet releasing all into the overarching violet light expanding, enfolding me into the sweetest stillness ever I’ve known.. I returned again and again, knowing into your arms I would swiftly fly as a blaze of firelight, as a moth to the flame of passion, of retrieval back into the Holy of Holies redeemed and ready for the next pilgrimage to serve Thee with willing heart and hands, with well-earned courage and strength for a new covenant for the New Earth, the blossoming of an age of realization of Thy Truth for all beings in all universes, a glorious certain new light emerging, born of the sacrifices of numberless souls willing to give Light into the struggle for redemption of the Divine Mission of Unconditional Love, finally to be embraced by humanity in all hearts in the land called Earth…our beloved Mother Earth. After eons of our light being stolen by the Selfish Fallen Ones, we are no longer owned by them as slaves to their dark purposes as we now cross the threshold leaving their veils of fear behind and rising into our innate greatness and astonishing capacity to grasp the power of love and the sword of Truth of our Creator! No longer divided asunder, we gather together again with our brothers and sisters, all beings of light instilled with divine purpose, the new ways being made clear to us of what is needed for seeding and establishing the new consciousness of divine love in every heart, and in all life on Mother Earth.
Decree: We stand astonished by our Light! knowing it is the Light shared by all beings. We live in the ONE LIGHT, knowing we were born in the ONE HEART. So it is with infinite gratitude that we release this blessing that all living beings may now be serenely touched by this same angel’s hand, the hand of Divine Love, that all may receive gentle peace beyond earthly understanding, and be nurtured and guided always into knowing the purpose of life… that when all things between heaven and earth are said and done, we are ALL ONE working to build a new world that shines justice and abundance on every man, woman and child, with the power and blessing of Divine Mother Father God our sustainer, now and always.
And so it is! forever enduring through the eternal vibration of these words we are now setting free into this beloved planet earth and the universes and angelic beings that surround and support us in bringing forth the New Earth, as it has been foretold by the Ancient of Days. It is so!