Thoughts on Spiritual Mastery
Thoughts on Spiritual Mastery
Question: When do we stop being the student in life and become the master?
Mastery is becoming the all-encompassing love that heals the heart. The master sees beauty in all things, all of life, no exceptions. The master knows healing is accepting things as they are, and acting from a place of peace, rather than resistance. Presence is living in a state of peace, so one is available to assist others in healing.
The student fights against limitations, resisting truth while seeking it. Resistance is fear of loss of control. Fear pushes aside love, while enough love evaporates fear and allows healing to start. Compassion has little or no fear in it, because it is based on being present with love in the moment. The deepest spirituality exists in this simplicity. The essential journey of the student is that of healing the heart, so that gradually, love overcomes fear. And that is a state of peace.
Question: How does the master maintain inner peace?
The consciousness of a master flows through and around limitations, like water in a river flows over and around rocks. While difficulties in life come and truth may hurt, the master trusts in Divine Source and allows the feelings to flow through the body and out, without resisting, thereby reclaiming the consciousness of love and peace. The master as student, was devoted to this practice, as long as it took, until it became effortless.
The student asks: Still, will you say more of resistance and fear? This seems a natural response to negative life events!
The leaf can only resist letting go of the branch so long in autumn. As with the leaf, the wind will decide, life will decide the timing of our letting go if we don’t. So the answer is trust. The answer is always trust, which comes from inside, not from changing opinions, or winds of the world. If we determine with courage to let trust teach us from the inside out, no matter what, we will move on to the next place of being and new life, with a greater sense of ease and grace. Life moves us whether we are water or rock. Whether peaceful or resistant, we will be moved. Whether sitting at a spiritual teacher’s knee or not, the student learns the first law of spirit is acceptance. My loves, be like water and you will change the world.
There is a joy and a lightness after letting go of fear, since fear is foreign to our true nature.
It is called peace.
It is called love.
It is called mastery.
Become like water.
Sophia’s Higher Self