The Humility of Awakening
Greetings, brothers and sisters. Come into the fold, light as a feather, feeling the spirit within you, as a child of God. Many of you do not, or no longer wish to use the words, “child of God” to describe yourselves.
I use these words in a very purposeful way. Many of you have a beautiful dedication within your life, your choices, and your daily routines, to follow the path of love. There are also many who feel called in these times of trial in the world, to move into an understanding of their purpose as their identity. In their spiritual identity, they begin to feel that their light is only their own and that there is a forgetfulness of where that love, that light within them comes from. And it matters not dear ones, unless humility, the humbleness that you felt in the early days of your awakening has slowly dissipated and ego, a superiority of sorts, has become involved. We call this a falling into confusion of where your strength, your vision and your wisdom flows from. Considering the weight of the pressures you bear during these times, this is a forgivable slipping or drifting, dear ones, that can be freely remedied when needed.
If your routines have become empty of feeling, empty of freshness, this is a sign to you of a slight drift away from your desired connection with Source. It is the humility that you feel and that you refresh in your own heart and being-- this is the purity of your connection with Source. This is grace, a remembrance of why you are here. I am simply calling you to return to this wellspring at a time when you are feeling empty of inspiration or your words and routines, though they are spiritual, do not carry the energy of life within you. There is a refreshment of spirit that is available to you when you sit in the quiet. Ask for an even deeper stillness, so you access the part of you that is grounded in the humility and purity of your heart.
Return to the heart, beloveds. This brings you back into the mind of God as you meditate, as you do your daily practices. For the mind and heart of God are one.
I am your brother in the Light. I see your beautiful essence, your energy of dedication to follow your path as one who is grounded in the earth and also anchored in spirit. We love you and support you, for you are indeed assisting in bringing forward the awakening of humanity during this time of trial and challenge on Mother Earth. We are aware that at times, the suffering you witness in the world can become a distraction from your path, as the suffering can take over your ability to experience compassion as loving detachment. Loving detachment is a reflection of your understanding of yourself as a child of God, with a pure and humble heart. We simply come to you when needed as a reminder of the guideposts along your pathway in fulfilling your purpose.
So magnificent is your light!
We love you, we are close to you, always, in all ways,
I am St. Germain
Scribed by
Sophia Murphy