Trust This Truth!
Greetings Beloved children of Light! We come to you from the angelic realm. It is an honor and a privilege to be present with you, those of you who have hearts that are open and receptive to our energy, to our assistance, during this time of historic importance on Mother Earth. For as many of you already know, the old world structure is disintegrating around you to make way for the new. There seems to be great chaos, as what was considered true is now seen to be false, and what was seen as false is now seen as true, in the earthly realm. What to trust? We understand the confusion that many of you may be experiencing, as the veil is gradually lifting.
This is also a historic time in all of human history. The great prophecies of the emergence of a new earth, that “all will be made new” are coming into fruition. Though you may yet not see evidence of this new kingdom, we come to tell you beloved ones, that this is the time for the arising of the New Earth, and we wish to acknowledge your part in bringing this about.
We are aware of your participation and devotion, the amount of energy, faith, strength and trust that you have been holding in your vision of the new world coming forward. A vision full of possibilities that you have dreamed of, and full of many possibilities that you could not have imagined: the wondrous evolution of humanity into the consciousness of divine love. Sisters and brothers all, no longer separated by fear, division or hate.
We in the angelic realm celebrate your steadfastness and we bring more energy and support when you need it for continuing your mission, and for the amazing revelations that you may assist us in bringing forth to others who may still be asleep. The purveyors of darkness are receding into corners of darkness, where even there, the light will be shining. Yes, beloveds, there will still be times of difficulty, there may still be times when your faith, your strength, the truth that you know deep in your hearts will be tested.
This is why we come to you now, because you are so close beloveds!
You are earth representatives of the kingdoms of light, the realms of light, the Ascended Masters, and any who are your teachers and guides. We are holding the structure, the infrastructure of the Golden Grid of Light around planet earth, in perfect equilibrium, while you, Mother Earth and Gaia go through this immense and magnificent transformation. So, hold steady, our earth angels of light, hold steady!
Though time has little meaning for us because we see the wholeness of what is already unfolding, we know that you may experience fear and impatience at times, and we understand this. Use forgiveness of yourselves, of loved ones around you, and others of all cultures around the earth, any beloved ones who may still not believe that this truth, this vision is actually in the process of birthing at this time.
We count on you beloveds, who see yourselves as the forerunners, those bringing in the blessings of truth, blessings of the deep well-being of all people, all life, in this existence within the higher light, the higher understanding that all are being welcomed into now. There is excitement, there is joy, there is celebration on our side of heaven as humanity gradually shifts into a higher octave of love. This excitement is available to you as well, as you move your eyes, your focus away from the darkness, the shadows that may appear behind or within certain events. Remember, if there is fear being perpetrated, you may interpret certain events as motivated by the darkness. However, trust in the truth that we share with you now, that behind shadows you may still see, there is a resonance, a great luminescence of light emerging. You may experience this as you meditate and as you correct your own disbelief in the divine truth that is unfolding behind all events. We encourage you to make corrections, course corrections if you will, whenever you fall into a lower level of understanding, forgetting divine truth, and bring yourself back into alignment with the truth of what is arising on earth and within your very heart at this moment. This beautiful moment of the awakening of Mother Earth and of humanity. Fear can no longer have control over you, unless you bow to it as your reality.
Keep your eyes on the light, beloveds. Feel the greatest love and grace that you have ever known, surrounding you, filling you and supporting you now. Call upon all of your teachers and guides, any of us. We are watching over each of you and guarding this process, so that it will come to completion.
Know without a doubt that you are blessed to be of service in this awakening. You are whole and complete in the love and the light that you are as the sons and daughters of Mother Father God and Divine Source. Beloved ones, remember to enter this sacred sanctuary with us whenever you are in need of nourishment of your spirit, and remembrance of your mission in this lifetime, this time when your love, your light is so needed on planet earth. We are partners with you in the co-creation of the New Earth, along with Mother Earth, Gaia, and all the universal cosmic powers aligned with the divine plan. We love you unconditionally beyond your imaginings. We are with you whenever you call upon us.
And so it is. It is so!
Scribed by Sophia
© 5-25-22