Your Magnificent Purpose
St. Germain
Greetings, beloved ones. I come to you with a message of clarity of heart, mind and soul.
We the ascended masters recognize the immensity of the challenges that you face during these days of the great shift on Mother Earth. This is a shift into the higher dimensions for Mother Earth as it is for humanity. And by that we mean a shift into greater divine love and awareness of the oneness of all peoples and your unity with each other and with Mother Earth. We recognize also, this still may not be in the consciousness of many people and much of humanity. We are also aware that this consciousness does dwell in a very clear and alive state of mind, heart and soul in many of you who are walking a path of love, who are on a path that is spiritually focused towards the truth and reality of unconditional love as part of your gift, given upon your decision to come into this lifetime, knowing it would be full of ups and downs beloveds. Knowing that there would be difficult times when you might be challenged in your faith. Knowing that your lifetime is formed by a magnificent purpose of bringing more light into humanity, in bringing more light to Mother Earth and all her life. The light which we also call unconditional love.
I bring a. message about clarity of understanding, for this may be one of your strengths as you meet each day, as you work with your I am Presence, your own higher self, to clear away the density of limited three dimensional consciousness through your times of quiet, your times of contemplation to look within at the state of your being. Are you anxious or calm? Are you trusting or fearful? Are you confident or in doubt? Look, not as a matter of self-judgment but as a process of self-loving. Praying for clarity, setting an intention for clarity of your inner purpose is a primary step towards achieving understanding of the events in your world, despite inner or externally sourced confusion, anger or grief.
Most of you understand that political events of your time have created a difficult path, especially if your awareness is only focused on the mental level, analyzing the level of division, of separation from others based on differing viewpoints, differing feelings about political issues. Many people lose their clarity of faith, because much of what is happening on your planet may not seem to make sense or be based on any level of human kindness. This is causing dis-illusionment for many. There seems to be a great emptiness in the area of ethics, conscience, and faith. You can release the illusion of separation, which creates this “reality” of emptiness! Especially observe in yourself and others the consideration or respecting of each person’s path, instead of holding a popular consensus view that you are separate from your brothers and sisters who have a different view of current events. At such times, there may be a “gut feeling” or a voice saying “pay attention!” to alert you to a potential slide into judgment that you do not, in your heart, intend.
Do you see, beloveds how if your intention is to become more loving in your heart, mind and soul that attention to “consensus beliefs” can create stumbling blocks for you in your inner clarity? Clarity of what your purpose is at this time in your life, this day, this moment? My words may seem to have lost power for many people who have a focus on the political events of your day. If how to function in the political climate of the day becomes a constant focus, then do you see how that focus can lead you astray from your spirit-led intentions? Do you see, how this can add to the consciousness of division, even if you feel your heart is centered in love?
It is the daily attention given to your own consciousness that is the pearl of great price. Shining your light as part of the collective consciousness becomes far more powerful than political events in the mind of God and in manifesting the gradual but divinely ordained shift into divine love on your beloved planet. If your deepest intention is to create more love in your life, more love in the world, and to bring more of your magnificent light into action for the benefit of all people, I offer this question for your reflection:
“What is the level of my consciousness this day?”
Considering that awareness is fluid, “what is my state of being right now? Without self -judgment ask, “Am I creating separation in my thoughts and words or am I creating love, or at least more understanding? What is the level of my consciousness as I walk in the world today, within the intense atmosphere of political divisiveness and the drama in governmental relations and relationships with other people?”
“Is my awareness focused on differences that separate or on respect for our deeper human kinship? “
I offer you these questions for self-reflection: “What is the state of my consciousness right now in relation to unconditional love? How is my ability to maintain unconditional love for myself and within myself as I meet people this day?” Ask not as a way to judge yourself, but as a way to bring yourself back into alignment with your soul’s purpose. If you can say, ” I am unconditional love”, or “I am divine love, right here and right now”, you are making the leap in consciousness from thinking into feeling, and eventually into being. It matters not if making divine love your steady state of being is fully realized in this lifetime, but the energy of that mantra steadily moves your consciousness in the direction of being that, beyond the words.
We love you, we support you and we hold you in unity with our collective consciousness. We hold you in alignment with your true purpose regardless of times when you may feel you have fallen away or fallen short, we still hold you within that magnificent light of alignment with your purpose, now and always. Now and always, you may call upon us for remembrance of your true purpose, which is unconditional love.
And so it is, now and enduring always. We hold these truths to be self-evident for all people.
I AM St. German
We are a unity consciousness called the Ascended Masters in service to humanity.