Becoming a Blessing to the World

Master Jeshua

Greetings beloved sisters and brothers of light. I am Yeshua.  I welcome you into the circle of love and grace, known as the Christed energy that I carry.  An open circle, it is open to all faiths, all those who are seeking the truth of their own being.  Perhaps some of you, because of the difficulties of life on earth at this time, perhaps you are questioning your purpose for being here.  Why am I here?  We hear many of you praying for the answer to this question.  “Why am I here… when there are so many difficulties to overcome to simply move through the day with those in my life.” Beloveds, because you have asked this question, there is a beautiful light around you I see. It is a beckoning light, a light that says “I am open wherever the love is within me, or around me.”


Yes beloveds, we hear your prayers.  We see the beauty of your heart which is seeking answers to the deeper questions you are beginning to ask, or perhaps ones you have asked before.  But perhaps now you seek to know on a deeper level why you are on planet earth at this time.  Beloveds, this is a beautiful gesture of love towards the spirit within yourself and the spirit that surrounds you, the spirit of goodness, of mercy, of the golden light that you seek. Beloveds, this golden light is that which will warm your whole being and your whole sense of your soul.  It is good that you seek this because it is who you are.  It stands with you, you breathe it in, you experience it in a thousand ways in your life; often you are not recognizing the feeling stirring, especially within your heart center.  That is your connection with spirit, with the All That Is, from which you can never be separated. 


And I hear questions, “but how can I recognize this when I feel so lost?  How can I believe that I am this beautiful golden light in the world, when sometimes I feel so bereft of love and full of doubt?  How can I possibly make a difference?  When I feel so deeply for the cruelty, the desperation, confusion and suffering that I see around me and in the world?”


Dear hearts, I hear this prayer and here, let me sit down beside you. Myself, your teachers, your angels, we bend close to you whenever you go into the quiet that you allow to surround you, in moments like this.  We do hear you because there is a sincerity and strength to your heart when you ask these questions, especially some that may contain fear or despair.  Sometimes it takes great courage to ask these questions of yourself.  I understand this.  I have walked this earth path that you are walking. Asking this question is the beauty of your soul reaching through, reaching through to you....the movement inside, the courage, the feeling of...sometimes there are no words for it.. but you know the feeling in your throat, in your heart center, solar plexus or elsewhere.  There is something here and you unconsciously place your hand upon it.  A feeling that you want to bring closer to you, or to comfort.  That is the Infinite Love, beloveds, that you are.  And you may bring it closer to you in those moments that you feel pain or emptiness in your life, or in yourself.  That is simply your soul speaking to you, that yearning to return, to return to your soul.  And, we do not mean you will pass from this life when we say return to your soul.  No, your soul is part of the living light of God, the All That Is that flows through you.  And the living light that flows through the gentle shepherd, as some know me.  You may know the bible story of the one who found the lost lamb and lifted him up from the place where he had fallen.  The shepherd understands the soul within you when you speak from that place, the place of gentle quiet, allowing yourself to feel whatever you feel.  There is no feeling that is not of the light when you are being honest in sharing with me, with yourself, with your soul.  For there is no shame, beloved, there is no shame to any of your feelings.  We bless each offering you bring to us, so that your own understanding may expand and expand into the greater fullness of who you are.  You know this is happening when you feel a tingling or energy flow in your heart center.  We have been moved by your willingness to be vulnerable, and you are receiving our love in return,  as a soft breeze or even words heard inside you.  


When this occurs, you may envision the golden flame within your heart. If you come to me when you are feeling bereft or any of the feelings that lead you to turn within, you may imagine that golden flame in your heart center.  Breathe into that flame. Slowing down your breath… slowing down your breath, slowing it down until you can feel your own heart beat, and you begin to trust that everything is going to be all right.  Everything is going to be well with you, that all is well in your soul, no matter what emotions may be swirling around you or in you, whether it comes from other people, or it seems to be emerging from within you.  Practice this simple gesture of love, this simple gesture of allowing yourself to be at one with yourself, your Godself, beloveds.  In moments when you are allowing yourself to feel your own presence, not with the mind chatter, but to quietly “be with yourself” as you say, you may or may not be aware of the expansion of light inside and around you.  Nevertheless, it is the way your creator built your nervous system. The more you practice, the more you will become aware of these sensations, and knowledge of your physical connection to spirit.


Yes, when you are consciously breathing, relaxing into that simple trust, that is when your heart is opening.  Whether you hear or do not hear my voice, you may feel the warmth, the feeling of relaxation in your throat, chest, head, anywhere; this relaxation is an energy that can heal you dear one.  It is how you can speak to your nervous system. Relaxation is the healing breath of God that you are allowing because you are a part of God.  YOU ALWAYS WERE and YOU ALWAYS WILL BE.  Even if your mind says, “I do not believe or feel that I am a part of God,” your heart knows that it is true. 


Go to that place in you, when you feel bereft of love, when you feel bereft of the peace you need. Remember… remember... remember when you feel troubled, and you unconsciously place your hand over your heart, this is a true message to yourself that you are giving love to yourself in that moment… and now maybe you can feel it in this moment as we are communing with each other.  We have created this space together by your willingness to be present with yourself.  The spirit within you and within me are touching.


 It is a great blessing when you hear the thought,“ My soul is so beautiful right now, I feel it, I know it, it is the truth of who I am.”  Hear those words inside you now: “This is the truth of who I am and all other things can be handled in my life as I become aware that this peace within me is the truth, the deepest truth of who I am.“  Let this truth settle into your heart, your mind and your thoughts this day, and if any thoughts come up that may betray the truth of what you feel right now, go back to the word, “remember”.  “I remember, I remember who I am.” 


Why are you here?  To remember. To heal the false identity and doubts of the small self.  To fully realize the beauty and perfection in all the ways your soul, your being expresses in this world, without judgment.  And with trust in the yearning or disquiet you feel, the unerring movement of your soul to guide you through each new trial and awakening in your life.  May it feel like the sun breaking through in its fullness after the rain, each time you remember. You become a blessing to the world regardless of your chosen vocation or life path, because you will naturally shepherd those who come into your life with the mercy and grace of one who knows the light and sees the light in each one.  

This is why you are here.


May this be a blest day for you, this day and every day, my beloved sisters and brothers.  Come and sit with me for awhile and I will listen not only to your words, but to your heart. For I am with you, loving you, always, always, always.


And so it is.  I am your faithful brother in the light.

Amen, amen and amen.


Scribed by Sophia Murphy

Ó 3-20-24


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