The Pearl of Great Price

The Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit is with you now, speaking through your I AM Presence.


“I am the truth within you as the Holy spirit.  You might say, I am like a wild bird, but not of this world.  I am not attached to anything within the physical world in which you live, which is why I am here in spirit to guide you.  I come through the mists and veils as you perceive them, between the higher consciousness of who you are and the consciousness of earth in which you are dwelling.  I am here to remind you of who you are and why you are here in the earth plane at this time.


There are no secrets between us, although you sometimes, beloved ones, you sometimes feel as though the spirit within you is a secret part of yourself which you do not understand.  Though you know it in your deepest awareness -during times when your experience of closeness to the great source of love in you becomes crystal clear and in these precious moments you do know everything.


Dearest ones, these are fleeting moments and you sometimes feel as if they were a dream,  somehow not real and you soon forget about them. 

These crystalline moments were like the purity of a raindrop… 

When you stopped for a moment and gazed through the window at the rain,

you were aware of the raindrops on the window,

aware of the scent in the air, the sweet smell of Mother Earth

as she breathed and opened up your senses to something beyond, that you could not name. 

Whatever it was, it filled you with something that seemed to be from beyond…

a thrill rushing through your being.


This may have been one of thousands of moments in your life, each one of which was like a raindrop in its purity.   And each time your awareness returned to your mental life on earth and your obligations to your physical life, those things requiring of you to move through the world and all contained within the consciousness of earth time.  You return to your consciousness of earth time and these pure moments- you may feel they simply vanish into the nothingness. Apparently vanished, until the next time that you experience this touching, this precious touching into the Source within you, this deeper place which has no words.  And which is exquisitely real when you are contained within it, even if only for the length of a deep breath, in and out...


Do you see, beloved ones?  This other sense of being, you may feel as another reality, not really you, only a passing thing, such as a bird flitting by and then it is gone.  We your angels, your company of heaven as I say, wish to remind you that this is your connection to the Holy Spirit and these are moments, translucent moments which you are privileged to experience: a deeper connection to the spirit within you and the spirit within all things.  


Sophia asks: how is this miracle possible, you seem to be a beloved shining light within me now…  how is it that I so easily forget these moments that pass like a blink of the eye? And then I forget.  And then I forget again.   As if these moments did not exist anymore, as if a dream ceases existing when I awaken into my ordinary day, in which I feel so ordinary, as a human on earth within this personality.


Would you help me, would you help us better understand how your Spirit exists within us, even through our daily forgetfulness, that there is this shining beauty that breaks through like the amazing light of dawn, as the rain ends and the mist is lifting from the earth?

And I witness a sense of free birth,

a sense of something new arising,

not just in the earth around me, but within me!


I AM Presence:  Just so, my love, you have said it! 


Sophia:  I will not forget what you are sharing with us now, because it feels sacred. 


Holy Spirit:  Yes, beloved it is sacred indeed.  To understand, to begin even to understand the wonder of life within you, regardless of what your physical day on earth brings for you.  The challenges and the moods that you experience, all the things you become aware of that you need to handle in your life, you may feel that these realities in your daily life take you away from your connection to spirit.  Such things as your responsibilities to your loved ones, to yourself and to your own life and livelihood, you may feel all these things separate you from spirit.  


Do you know beloved ones, how the Holy Spirit is so delicately yet deeply imprinted within you, regardless of where your awareness may be at any given moment?  This is the imprint of the Holy Spirit, close as your DNA, this is your lineage.  The lineage of spirit within you.  It runs like the blood in your veins,, except that it is the spirit within you.  The spirit within you…


I am here to teach you that this beauty is who you are, regardless of your life choices. Whether you feel you have made a mistake, whether you feel you have lost your way, or feel separated from me, from Divine Mother.,   Any of these moments..

Oh, my dear ones, my beautiful ones, let those be the fleeting moments, the passing moments, when you understand these are only part of being in a human body, that sacred vehicle you have been given in which to experience life, and to experience the deeper meaning of love and who you are as spirit.  It is part of the spirit of life expressing through you in such a unique way, where there can be no mistakes.   Yes, there may be errors in your consciousness, believing you are lost or separated from me.  And this moment, and every next moment, it is all connected, as your spirit, your soul, experiences life and uses it, every part of it for your upliftment… for the upliftment of your consciousness and that of others..  For you see beloveds, this is how you are being of service to humanity, through the transformation of your own consciousness! 


I am speaking in simple terms to you because I am a gentle spirit within you, that exists through all time and the voice that I am lives in you.  You may bring this precious awareness of who you are to your daily life, your “ordinary life”, as you call it.  Remember when Jesus said, “I must be about my Father’s business.”  There are many ways to understand this.  You could say it is Divine Father, Divine Mother that is calling you to be about the business of living this earthly life with a consciousness of the spirit within you, as the most precious gift, the pearl of great price.  Are you beginning to understand what it means to say, the kingdom of God lives within you?  


Do you see, my beloveds?  Even if you were blind before, in this time of new revelations, you begin to see.  As the light seeps in, in the dawn of each new day you are given, do you see the beauty that is given to you?  And you begin to see this same delicate beauty in the morning as you rise, and you begin to see and feel this in your day and in the people that you meet, in the simple delicate moments of touching in with another being who needs you.  For you are touching them as if a butterfly landed on their shoulder,.  You see, it is simple, not complicated, for you are learning to BE the love, again and again. in that moment that presents itself.  You recognize it.  Now you have learned, or are learning, to recognize it when it appears, like the butterfly that graces you with her presence for one moment and is gone.  But like the butterfly, the moment will always return, again and again…because it is eternal.


Remember, you may feel your connection to the Holy Spirit through your own I AM Presence. This is the divine within that calls you back to yourself, again and again, as you learn to recognize that voice within.  It is simple. In you, as well as in the world around you. You begin to start listening.  As you practice listening, it becomes easier.  Easier and more natural to stop what you are doing just for a moment and listen, even in your ordinary day, for the extraordinary exists at all times in your being. 


I love you and call you into a profound new awareness of who you are, and to recognize the simple beauty in this moment we share. 

Thank you for listening.

I am with you always.


And so it is,



The Holy Spirit and I AM Presence

Scribed by Sophia Murphy

Ó 7-7-23


Sophia’s I AM Presence:” Be with the beautiful word ‘simple,’ just love your soul in its expression just as it is right now, in this moment, no matter what is presenting itself on your life screen, inner or outer.  Perhaps it IS that simple and there truly are no mistakes!  The pearl of great price is given.  Will you receive?

Remember, your own I AM Presence is accessible, always available to you as you learn to listen inwardly and call it to you with love. This part, your higher self, has clarity when you have trouble understanding or feeling the spirit within. Separation from spirit is not possible!

Thank you Holy Spirit, thank you I AM Presence







Becoming a Blessing to the World


Suffering and Oneness