Suffering and Oneness

Archangel Michael


Archangel Michael: This message is for all who will listen.  For as you know the Spirit of Oneness does not know separation. There is a great vibration of light surrounding Mother Earth and that vibration is of Oneness.  It encompasses all life on your beloved earth and in your world.  So, know that my voice is also one with any of the holy ones you choose to call upon.  Know divine messages represent the omnipresence of the One God, the giver of all life, that which you call holy, when you ask for the light for the highest good to work through you.   We are present with you now and are open to questions, as you have created a sacred space in which communication between us is possible. 


Sophia:  I am grateful. I ask a question about the suffering I feel for the children in human trafficking.  I feel gratitude for all the brave souls and lightworkers who are directly rescuing and assisting the children now.  Even as I know that this is happening, I also feel much concern for those children who are still in captivity, and for the healing of the ones who have been rescued.   I ask for myself and for all those whose hearts are bending toward the children, those whose unconditional love is reaching out to the children now.  Can you give us a word of hope and how we can hold this situation and these children in a way that is most helpful, as well as our concern for so many who suffer on earth at this time?


AA Michael: Beloved ones, first I must say that your tears are blessed when you shed them for those who suffer, whether it is the children or any beloved ones that are suffering from any deprivation, harm or evil that is present in the world at this time.  We share a blessing with you that you may open your hearts, and you may keep your hearts open when you are feeling what you call suffering in yourself or in others. Whenever you feel sorrow for these innocent young ones, and all those who suffer, remember that their hearts and your hearts are one beyond space and time, so the healing you send is received instantly.

We urge you to feel our presence whenever you are questioning “what is the truth here? or why do I suffer so?  or, why do the children need to suffer?  Help me to let go and trust..“  These are prayers we are hearing.  Yes, the precious children are more vulnerable and need your tender care.  Also, remember all souls are connected with their destiny and karma of which you have no knowledge, and that there is always a higher soul knowledge before incarnating, however hard that is to understand on a human level.  Your compassion for these vulnerable ones is part of their souls healing, so be grateful that you can offer them the blessing of your love!


We feel your hearts, and we wish to place a blessing upon you now.  Feel your heart, place your hands upon your heart and feel within this heart space, the truth that you are here for a reason and you are blessed even as you find you are suffering for others.  May you feel a blessing coming from Mother Father God upon you, and upon all that you do, all that is in service to those who suffer, including yourselves, beloveds.  Now ask for release of your own suffering, as this clears your channel for the movement of healing light through you. If your own emotional reactions can be released, you can be more present for the healing action of the light, to flow to you and to those you pray for.   However, the most important truth is that your pure intention to love without condition and to help heal is what is truly necessary.. we call it purity of heart. In a deep spiritual sense, that is the meaning of presence, of blessing, of service. For one with a pure heart, the energy is a flow of healing, of oneness.


Beyond your presence, actions include sincere prayers of unconditional love for another, prayers for peace in a troubling situation, or adding to collective thoughts, prayers and actions for uplifting all life on Mother Earth into what we call the higher dimensional New Earth.  Each of these are blessings in the fullest sense of the word.  You are receiving grace no matter your actions when you are asking for God’s will and for the highest good for all you are praying for. Then your prayers and your actions are a pure blessing upon those situations where you are placing your presence.   With the presence of unconditional love that you are bringing into these situations, these ones ARE receiving it, directly or indirectly.  Thus, through your actions, you are strengthening those that you pray for, and you are bringing forth the action of the light in these situations., whatever is in divine alignment. You may find the feeling of hope is no longer needed, as you experience the reality and power of the light flowing through you, knowing it is being received when and wherever it is needed!


Archangel Michael’s response to a question about the recent destructive climate events in the Island of Maui:

We know many of you are praying now for the beloved ones in Maui who have suffered great loss and devastation of their land and their lives. Your prayers are a blessing for the people and the presence of all the healing spirits that live in that land, and in the village called Lahaina. Your prayers are being received by those needng them. Trust they are deeply received, whether consciously or not.  The evil that was planned for this part of Mother Earth is, even at this moment receding, partly because of the power of your prayers.  Please, beloved ones, know that other parts of your world, such as Ukraine, Russia and the United States and all places involved in the suffering on earth at this time, all of your prayers are being received and are working with us towards bringing forth the Greater Light and healing in those places.  To help you understand, the power will be receding from those whose intentions are destructive of life, who are not in alignment with the higher light and the transformation into the New Earth.  Their power and control is being interrupted through divine powers of the universe and those souls will be receding into lower dimensions which best match a consciousness that works against the light and against the Will to Good in humanity.   

Support is present from the Federation of Light, the cosmic powers working in alignment with the Holy Spirit, and the Presence of Creator Source that holds Mother Earth and humanity within a vast grid of Light.  Because of the historic transformation of consciousness humanity is undertaking, there is divine timing and a divine outworking to all situations that you are witnessing in your life, in your world and on Mother Earth.  Trust in this, despite the continued appearance of suffering in your world.   My beloveds, trust in this and trust in the presence of Creator Source in your world through the infinite manifestations all around you.  Your trust adds to the collective a magnificent power in bringing about the shift in consciousness on earth into Divine Love:  The consciousness of shared belonging of all souls, of shared destiny and the possibility of a healed planet and a healed humanity.  The consciousness of One.


You, beloveds, and all people are One within the One Light.  There is no true separation between you.  The belief in separation is a belief from the old earth consciousness, causing unimaginable suffering for eons of time. Many disturbances and structures crumbling on earth at this time represent the throwing off of the old earth reality.  So remain present with your consciousness of love, no matter what you see on the surface of earth events.

Feel the glow of the One Light within you now.  Especially within your heart center. No being is exempt from this offering. Feel the privilege of being alive now on Mother Earth. Breathe it in and release.  Release any sense within you of suffering, to be replaced by the truth of your beingness as spirit, as powerfully One with each one you serve, with each one you pray for.   You may call upon us and upon the Greater Light to fill your heart, body, mind and spirit at any time you are feeling a need for spiritual strengthening.  We will be there instantly as you call upon us, as you call upon your guru, teacher, your own I AM Presence, or your own beloved heart.  Thank you for your beautiful spirit, we see you! Never doubt the world needs your unique light and that you are infinitely loved by us. Your love makes ALL the difference!


And so it is.  We are fully present in this moment with you. And so it is.


Archangel Michael

and Sophia’s I AM Presence.

Scribe:  Sophia Murphy

Ó 8-20-23



 Text of Message


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