Your Heart: The Divine Powerhouse

Star Beings from your Galaxy

The following information was received during group communion with Star Beings in a higher plane of consciousness.  During the communication, we were told that they, the Star Beings, are assisting us in strengthening our Light Bodies so as to be as fully embodied in the light as possible for our service to the Divine Plan unfolding at this time. They shared: Remember to use all your spiritual tools for maintaining your vibration at the higher level, no matter what chaos or confusion is transpiring in your outer three dimensional world.  We are co-creating the new world with you, but you are the lightning rods, able to call forth our energy to assist you and to assist humanity.


The Heart is your powerhouse for co-creation.

The Heart is the Center point for the creation of the New Earth, individually and collectively.  Be constantly aware of the heart as the center point for your thoughts, words and actions.  Focus your energy within the stillness of your heart in order to connect to the Universal Mind, Divine Mind where all beings dedicated to the ascension of humanity, can reside in their consciousness, according to their free will.   This is the field where all beings can experience themselves as ONE with Creator.  Trust this.  Your guidance will emanate from this center point of the Heart.   The Heart is a divine gift of the Almighty existing within each soul, embodied or not.    It is a powerhouse for divine communication, wisdom and intelligence.  It cannot be deceived, corrupted or destroyed, as it is the center point of the soul’s existence within the Creator.   Honor it!  Trust in it! 


Healing and Co-creation.

Healing and releasing the past is most likely in your forcefield now as human bearers of the Light. This inner work clears your channels so as to receive the higher truths you need to be of service in these days of reckoning and challenge on Mother Earth.  If you are conscious of healing and releasing what is in the dark pockets of your own being that arise, you are clearing the channel to hear truth from this center of your being.   Fearlessly welcome these moments of insight into your own shadows.  As you each cleanse and release more shadow energy, you are helping free collective humanity to rise in consciousness. 


You have heard, ‘be patient’ from many quadrants of the universe that support this awakening.   For, your light bodies are coming into your full presence and awareness as you keep your consciousness in the purest state possible: calm, neutral and free of attachment to “right and wrong.”   As you know, forgiveness is an integrated aspect of higher consciousness, so forgive yourself for moments of slipping off course, and instantly move back into alignment with your Higher Self.  Regardless of whether you see the face of the Christ, the Buddha, Mohammed or other Holy Ones, your healing is part of the wholeness of creation coming forth as the New Earth.  As each one heals into wholeness, which is love, so this vibration touches every part of humanity and adds to the new creation coming forward.  Use the power of your vision to forsee the New Earth systems unfolding, creating justice and peace for all beings, all kingdoms on earth.


Above all, remember the sanctity of your own heart, and of the heart of others.

You are assisting in the awakening of this heart center in The Many and the One Humanity, as you go about purifying yourself and maintaining your connection with the Holy Ones, and we, the Star Beings, and especially with the divinity within you.  If you so choose, we are a support team, to be called upon with your decrees for Mother Earth and humanity, as well as for your reserves of strength when external events are challenging.   


Our love and wisdom are here for you as you work to discern the Truth, moment to moment, and in the coming days of the Great Change, the Great Awakening of humanity.  We say use patience and trust, because as you know, all that is taking place is within the perfection and timing of the unfolding of the Divine Plan.  And you, my dear ones of earth, you are the key players in this unfolding!  Use your divine energy with awareness, love and compassion for those coming along behind in your footsteps.


Where you walk is holy!  The energy of love will continue to vibrate in the “footprints” where you have walked.  Whether you speak or not, the love from your heart center leaves traces in the heart of every soul you touch. You will be given everything you need, without struggle, “Consider the lilies of the field..”   Calmly face the head winds coming with a serene and pure heart, knowing your part is divinely orchestrated as you trust the outcome to the Almighty.  Your Heart is mighty! Your Love is mighty!


We are Star Beings from your Galaxy


Scribed by Sophia Murphy




Suffering and Oneness


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