This Luminous, Joyful Task

Goddess Sophia


Greetings gentle light warriors of earth.  I wish to share encouragement for your spirits, during what we see as both most amazing and challenging times on your earth home. Please come, and share your hearts with me as you listen to my words.


There is an umbilical cord between myself and you, between myself and the human family. Not all are aware of this, or take precious time to be aware of the higher dimensions of your being, your spirit. There are many distractions and life obligations you must attend to, rightly so.  There is much love and understanding of the difficulty of breaking through the many perceived barriers to communication with ME.  Remember the main motivation of time is a primary fractal of belief that binds you to your earth life. Because of beliefs about time, many think there is not enough of it in your embodiment on earth!  A humorous thought to the Creator.


My divine essence is reflected in you, especially that part which is the feminine impulse of creation, and the abiding reality of love as the binder and healer of all life   This is a frontier for spiritual explorers, newly approached now by many on earth.  This is why I am being called forth to speak through thousands of hearts who are securely anchored in love and an awareness of the high gift and purpose of your life in these times.


Except for a few of these earth angels, few are emboldened to speak out loud the truths of the Universe, the divine laws that are inviolable, due to years of low energy conditioning meant to make you doubt yourself and believe you are less than your highest dreams. Influences of this kind still exist in these times, and emanate from what you could call fallen angels, those who have chosen to seek to overcome the Light by following their own corruptible desires for power.


You, however, who are receiving, reading or hearing my words, can be assured of the immense power of Divine Love of the Mother, beyond the farther reaches of your human mind to comprehend.  I assure you this power is greater than the efforts of the fallen angels, whose illusions of world control and final glory are destined to fail, despite their dwindling but remaining ability to frighten many.   Do you feel the call?   It is sounding strongly now to courageous hearts such as yours!  There is a majesty in your spirit, even when taking the simplest of actions that your heart inspires you to take.  The more often you respond from this inner impulse, the more you will have access to the holy place inside.


Many current earth dramas are outplaying seeming destruction of everything you thought was good and beautiful, but they no longer have strength in their wings, dear ones!   The cleansing you are witnessing is needed to open the way for renewal. The attempts to create fear in human hearts cannot and will not succeed, if you do not trust in the appearance of things, but open your eyes to the divine activity behind world events.  These events are moving humanity toward a new spiritual beginning on Mother Earth.   Your response simply requires the wisdom you have gained in life and your trust in the Grace of the invisible powers of the Universe for good, activating now, precisely through human hearts such as yours.


My beloved spirit warriors, even when the thunder and lightning strikes around you, do not hesitate!  Come together with your sisters and brothers of light to push back the darkness and reveal the magnificent sun breaking forth upon all life on Mother Earth!  Hold this image in your heart’s mind as you walk hand in hand with newly aware companions of a love that conquers hate for all time.  It is the irresistible force of divine love, a wave encompassing the entire earth, as the cleansing completes itself and clears the way for new science, new healing modalities and the birthing of a new creation called the New Earth.


Greet a coming new age of compassion for the soul in all life including your transcendent gate keepers Gaia and Mother Earth.  They have interceded for you to preserve the divine plan and the blueprint that humanity springs from.  You may stand in gratitude to Gaia for her longstanding patience with recalcitrant humanity. 


You see beloveds, humanity is in a mountainous shift now, from a focus on physical survival to embracing a spiritual survival that surpasses the old consciousness, passes through gates of understanding and across thresholds of light, into even undreamed of possibilities for all life forms thriving in a harmonious, peaceful earth existence.  Do you feel hesitation in believing the majesty of this vision?  Then your God concept may be too limited! 


Can you expand your vision beyond limitations such as “that’s not realistic!” or “I’m only human”, etc.  The abundance you have dreamed of is arising under your feet and behind the clouds above that may block your sight of the new earth. She is alive and throbbing with possibility, awaiting your free will choice to unfasten the bindings that fear has placed on your mind, and sometimes on your heart.     


As you know, the mind is malleable and vulnerable to the energy of fear, in a way that the experienced spiritual heart in you is not.  This call is to bypass the mind and to go straight to the heart, using whatever spiritual practices that you feel directed to use, allowing all things to be as they are, without aggression or effort, and with patience and unconditional love.   


Oh, lay down your burdens!

You, my dear light lovers, are called to take on this luminous, joyful task of touching in with the deep creative goddess impulse inside, step by gentle step, as you are ready.  As you know, the timing is different and perfect for each one of you... a time for releasing the burdens falsely placed or allowed to subvert your free will or to capture your free spirit.


You were made for this time! Take courage from these words.  God, Goddess, and the universal feminine power of wisdom are behind these words.  And I tell you, you cannot fail!  With this love underneath your wings, every effort you make to release the old ways will have an effect.  The old ways may be what you once revered as the truth passed down from your kin or your culture, or as your external identity in the world.  The whole cosmos has been shifting to support these changes in human understanding and in human society. Thus, you are now greatly supported in evolving into a higher consciousness and connecting with your soul’s blueprint and purpose for this lifetime.   Imagine the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis of its former self, in a state of wonder.


You are intimately supported by spirit as much as you ask and allow, in bringing forth forgiveness and compassion, first for yourself, and then to all others you serve through simple acts of wisdom and your intention to love. Remember to ask for divine love to be the power behind all that you do in service to yourself and to others. Whether you are a sister or brother of light, learn to call forth the deep feminine strength of your soul to balance the Father’s brilliant light within you.  Pass by the temptation to strive for outer perfection, and ride the stillness into your own presence in this holy moment, the eternal now, the source of joy rising to the surface of your being.  You, simply moving between the inner impulse to love and the outer reflection, the impulse in action.  You, in a natural flow between inner and outer realities, a restored and refined version of who you are, of who you have always been..

Welcome Home!


Scribed by Sophia Murphy

Ó 7-23-23

Reflections on This Luminous, Joyful Task


Entering Nature: The Mother of All Life


“Enter into your life

the way you enter

into a deep forest, all senses awake

to wonder. “


How can one merge the spiritual warrior inside with the vulnerability we experience of being human?  It is a beautiful process of healing and transformation, because the sense of separation only exists when the mind is weakened by false beliefs, external stress, and especially fear of the unknown.  How can we hold the vulnerability of fear or the fear of vulnerability in a new way?


The spirit of creation can be felt as a deep response in the body when walking and resting in nature.  A subtle remembrance in the cells of an ancient belonging, that the heart can rest at last, free of wondering who you are…a deep allowing, an unfastening of the bindings around the heart and the mind.  The bindings fall away for a few sacred minutes in earth time and you remember who you are, not in words, but through a deep echo you feel from earth mother beneath your feet.  In the heartbeat of the earth and the trees you are embraced by an ancient energy you’ve always known, but had forgotten.… Almost a sound, but too deep for the ears to hear, only the heart can register it.  


These codes register in the cellular intelligence of the body, the codes opening you, as if a key in your consciousness is turned making conscious alignment of body and spirit possible.

Now you walk differently, breathing as though you were breathing the breath of Mother Earth herself.   A simple allowing flows in of how she has cherished you in your innocence in every fresh rebirth of wonder in lives past, and now in this moment…. 


A convergence, a mystical marriage arises from your courage to follow this stream of divine love where it leads.  Courageous enough, willing enough, to allow being…

Just being,

to carry you home.

Just come home.


Sophia Murphy





Your Heart: The Divine Powerhouse


Moving Beyond Fear