Heart Flame Meditation
Dear Ones, I bring an awareness of my heart into your presence, and ask you to bring an awareness of your heart into my presence. I speak of the healing of the heart, by myself and many ascended masters who are dedicated to assisting humanity through this incredibly difficult, yet beautiful transformation on planet earth.
May you see this transformation as a splendid diamond which has often been clouded by fear. So many have succumbed to the lower vibration of fear in the history of humanity on this planet. This has been shaking even strong hearts as you witness and have suffered through the intensity of events which have unfolded before your eyes. These events resulted for many in different aspects of fear when your personal safety and the personal safety of your loved ones and friends have felt threatened.
We ask you to bring a refreshed awareness to your hearts, regarding fear. Take a deep look into the depths of your own heart and ask “may I be with you, my soul, my spirit, May I be with you? May I shine the light of the Christ here, so I may see if my awareness of your purity, your beauty, your strength has been touched by fear, has been numbed by fear?
Listen carefully, quietly and with great respect as you open a conversation with this part of your being. Whatever images may come forward for you, whatever thoughts, trust them to be expressions of wisdom coming from this precious heart in you. If there has been despair, if there has been forgetting, or numbing, bring your full presence here, knowing that this is a time for healing the heart. You are following the path of beloved Christ Jesus as you invite this opening into your heart, into the deepest truth of your being by moving beyond the illusion of fear, to the overcoming, your personal resurrection.
You may forgive yourself, if you are witnessing truths coming forward for you of ways you have shut down feeling your heart because of fear for your own well-being, or fear for your loved ones. You may have noticed compassion for yourself, and for others has become more difficult, if you have used other means to distract yourself from feeling the fear and acknowledging it within you. Fear and love cannot co-exist.
We invite you now to look into the beautiful crystalline heart within you and see the flame of love burning within that crystal, the eternal flame of your heart, which can never be extinguished. See all the distractions, thoughts, any emotions you have felt falling away as you focus on the heart flame within you.
What you witness now is the presence of your own heart flame, the true essence of your soul which is eternal and cannot be threatened by any experiences that you go through in this lifetime. What you are doing when you are focusing on your heart flame, is moving beyond the mind, beyond the ego, brushing away the confusion, the numbness caused by fear of the earth events you have been experiencing.
Feel yourself now as your own presence, fully conscious that your own divine Self has been witnessing all the experiences, the emotions, the suffering that may have clouded your human ability to connect with your heart. As you meditate, see or feel with clarity this most magnificent spiritual aspect of your being that existed before your birth and will continue existing beyond this life time.
It is this miraculous witnessing presence that you can connect with to assist you in times of stress and fear, if you lose your sense of peace. We offer a healing meditation for you, for your remembrance:
I am the divine flame of love within the crystalline center of my heart.
I am now witnessing all events in my life and the lives of others from the loving detachment of my heart.
My heart sees the eternal truth of life from this higher perspective.
The infinite love that I feel now is the truth of who I am.
I know my heart flame can never be extinguished.
I know the diamond purity of my heart can never be clouded by the illusion of fear.
I return to this truth whenever the lower frequencies of fear on earth begin to effect my mind, my thoughts, my feelings.
I bring myself back home to my heart and gaze again into the purity of the crystalline diamond in my heart.
I am at peace,
I am peace.
I am peace.
I am.
And so it is beloveds. May you feel the compassion of my heart flame streaming into your heart flame, pulsing with the infinite light and infinite love of Divine Source.
Amen, amen and amen.
I am Mother Mary.
Scribed by Sophia
© 4-14-22