Keep on Keeping On
Greetings children of Light. Beloveds, though the outer chaos may be increasing on earth, the power of the Light you are receiving on the inner planes is also increasing in magnitude and intensity. Remember, as your teachers are telling you, to nurture and replenish yourselves daily. For, the refreshment of your spirit is needed as the tasks you are called to become clearer and more central in your consciousness. The inculcation, the transformation of these higher energies is taking place in you. These energies you feel are bringing forth the new encodings of Light from Source, helping to prepare you for what is to come.
The strength of light focus you maintain in your consciousness is of prime importance now. Continue the work of bringing yourself into alignment with the divine guidance you are receiving daily, even minute to minute. For, change on planet earth is exccelerating and those many ones called into your field of resonance are in need of your strength, wisdom and love, more than ever.
Balance and high regard for your own boundaries needs your attention as you move through these changes yourself, as you find yourself being called to higher levels of service and leadership. The need for your voices as channels of Holy Spirit, Shekinah, Divine Mother is coming on line now. Your decrees and intentions support this expanding circle of empowerment and magnificent Light being brought forth by the communities of Light on earth now.
You are more connected than you may be aware of with each other as light workers. It will be of great benefit for you to connect with other communities of light on physical and etheric levels. Increasing your telepathic resonance with other light workers increases the vibration of the whole. The grid of Light surrounding your planet is vibrating to a higher frequency as you continue to purify and finely tune your one unity consciousness.
Come into cooperation with the Father as you join the grand chorus of angels, heavenly hosts, hierarchies, ascended Masters and Shamballa! as we sing and work in unison to bring forth the new Earth.
As you ride the waves of the earth changes, behold a New Spirit arising among you! The Spirit of the Christ in these momentous changes is birthing a new light vibration. May you lift any sense of burden or weight you have carried in being of service to God Almighty. For the New Spirit arising is a joyful one of battles won! Love arising in every corner of the universe; in every heart, a willingness to open and see the Truth that is arising!
May you glimpse from our perspective in the Higher Realms, the immense beauty of your precious Light, whether those around you recognize it, matters not. For you are a magnet now and the charge placed upon you, the mantle you have accepted, means you are becoming a beacon of the One Light. One of many beacons awakening and lighting up your planet. You are making a difference through your actions and most significantly through your presence.
Keep on keeping on, beloved light workers, for your every thought and breath bringing forth the joy of heaven is felt by the world wide web of life! Be joyful in your work for you are helping lift the veils of sorrow and illusion on Mother Earth. You are assisting Mother Gaia, earth’s consciousness, in her healing transformation, as well.
Mother Gaia is receiving the love of the Divine Mother Shekinah in higher frequencies as you participate and cooperate in envisioning and bringing forth this New Earth. Remember to envision Mother Earth as pristine, seeing the transformation of all her kingdoms into their original divine patterns of creation: the original divine blueprint of all kingdoms on earth, including humanity.
As the People of God, know how much you are needed and loved!
I am Lord Sanat Kumara
Scribed by Sophia Murphy
© 3-12-22, reposted from 7-8-18