You Were Born for This Day!
St. Germain and the Ascended Masters
Greetings beloveds. Many on earth, many of you are seeing yourselves functioning as columns of Light, upholding the vast grid of Light surrounding Mother Earth. We, the Ascended Masters thank you for your work in stabilizing this grid and enfolding humanity in the vibration of Unconditional Love with your prayers and decrees. Know that your work, moment to moment, to secure the Light in yourselves, in your expanding field of energy does powerfully assist us in our work with you and through you. We see you becoming brighter and stronger representing us and the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light on Mother Earth.
It is a simple blessing for you to know multitudes of Light workers are assisting multitudes of Angels, Ascended Masters, Lords of Light, and Star Beings representing the Godhead in bringing forth this new day. You were born for this day!
Spend little time concerning yourselves with the workings of your governments, as all is shifting, similar to the earth’s tectonic plates shifting when rebalancing is needed. Dear Ones, we are aware that the appearance of unsettling events may present you with challenges to your faith and inner peace. This is especially so if you are reading these events through a lower dimensional perspective and consciousness, especially one of fear.
Seek and ye shall find the ability to see the higher perspective, to see through the higher, majestic and hopeful vision of what is unfolding under the surface of events in your lives and in your governments. Will you trust in the appearance of things, or will you trust in God to make all things right? The truth of “the One and the Many” reveals we and all light workers are One in a powerful partnership to bring about the New Earth, as it is in Heaven.
This Vision is magnificent beloveds! Are you catching the higher vision of what is now possible with Earth and Heaven working in concert? Do you have faith that it is taking root in Mother Earth as we speak?
Heal your eyesight. Rid your mind’s eye of memories and beliefs in the old paradigm that greed, suffering and inequality are necessary! Open your Eyes to the new paradigm of “One for all, and all for One.” A planetary vibration is now allowing you to raise your eyes to the mountains, to the sky, see the silver lining of Divine Light shimmering behind any clouds of darkness that linger.
Patience, beloveds! These changes shall not, need not, bring you into despair, but will bring all into a New Heaven and a New Earth. Be fully present with your deeper sense of your soul and your eternal spirit, as we traverse these new lands together! WE are at your side. As Divine Mother Father’s Plan of Love unfolds, the sweetness in the air will soon be discernible to many as hearts unfold to other hearts, regardless of culture, religion, or national identity.
The energy of this truth speaks louder than the words you are hearing. Archangels Michael and Gabriel are sounding the call to all whether you are tender hearted or strong hearted. The LIGHT within you is the ONE doing the work in the world, beloveds! You can relax, have faith, and know from your inner guidance that All truly Is in Gods All Encompassing Arms. All IS in Divine order despite the chaos you may observe in the lower dimensions of Earth. As you heal your eyes, and shift your vision to the higher Reality unfolding, you will see the spontaneous arising of the powerful Creative Force field of Love in all aspects of life on Mother Earth. From government to psychology, to medicine, to science, the New Age you feared had faded away, is alive and well! It was waiting in the ethers for the shift in your vision, your heart, your mind, and that of multitudes of other light workers. Together, we, as one unified collective consciousness, will see the freedom of spirit, the immense creativity of spirit arising, unsurpassed in human history.
Trust us. The Ascended Masters have long been steadily working with you and Mother Earth’s energies for the upliftment of vision now manifesting. Together, we are giving birth to what can be called the New Earth, or the Great Awakening.
Dear Ones, know that much of the suffering and despair of many on earth now will be short lived as more of the faithful join our band of Angels, Masters, and Beings of Light from every corner of your universe who are activating the new Light vibration of Divine Love on Mother Earth. Fear not, if you are having sleepless nights and up-ended days, for you are awakening! All levels of your being are now receiving new encodings and the higher frequencies of ascension. Watch, in the timelessness of your meditation, the beautiful uprising of your soul, so that your deep, wise soul may be ready to be lifted into the next higher level of the magnificent Light that you are. Trust, and feel the truth of this in your heart now.
Believe in Yourself, for this is the shining path open to you, open to all! Will you walk through the next door? We are with you, dear Brothers and Sisters of Light. We are the Ascended Masters speaking for the panoply of Heaven, from higher Earth realms through the Rainbow Bridge of Light, to the Godhead, the Light of a Thousand Suns. We stand strong with you, workers of Light, heartful warriors of Love!
Doubt has had its day. Universal Love, Infinite Love, now supersedes all that has gone before. The Ongoing Creation of Divine Mother Father God is the Power and the Presence we honor now and forever.
May the Peace of God that passes all understanding, be yours.
I AM St. Germain with the Ascended Master Realm
Scribed through Sophia
Text of Message