The Great Overcoming

The Ascended Masters


Greetings children of Light!  Things on earth are moving along quite nicely now, despite what you are seeing that looks dire, as you say.  You are now reaching a high capacity of light.  The illumination of light in the darkness is reaching high capacity as more and more heart-based people are holding strong with their light, despite the strong winds of change blowing in your faces now.  You are holding strong despite the continued efforts of dark energies in their last gasps to delay the transformation of human consciousness away from fear and into the power of love.  Fear is their most powerful weapon to affect your consciousness.  Love is your most powerful weapon.


You, beloveds are receiving our support in lifting up your eyes to the higher vision and perspective, whether you feel it nor not.  We see that you are receiving our energy of Light, according to your receptivity. Divine Mother is in high gear overseeing this grand rising and out playing of the necessary cleansing of the lower destructive, anti-life energies which have no power now except their self-deception. These self-deception energies still plague many humans who are vulnerable to the appearance of threats to their well-being.  These beloved ones do not yet see through the illusion, the veil the dark ones still try to hold in front of your physical and emotional selves to distract you from the true light of God which is eternal love.  Eternal love, arising indeed from under your very beloved feet, the all-encompassing power of life-giving energy of Mother Earth.  She is activating the atmosphere of human breathing and the ability to receive her life energy, the sheer volume of sustaining life energy you may breathe in now.


No longer bereft are you our dear beloveds!  No more need to feel bereft as if we and the Mother, have abandoned you in your grief and isolation.  You were never left alone!  For we have been quietly walking by your side, nudging and protecting you, encouraging you to return to that sacred inner stillness and away from the noise of the world.  The noise of the world that would draw you away from the deeply rooted pure spirit of love within you, the impulse to speak to yourself those comforting words you know to be true: Be still and know I am God. 


Be Still and Know I AM God.  Here is the true resonance with who you are, apart from the attempts of those representing fear, isolation and divisiveness.  For, truth be known, your spirit rises as you consciously turn away from the towers of babel, ceaselessly murmuring,” listen to us, turn away from your fruitless efforts to find ‘the truth.’” Those with dark intentions continue to sow or attempt to sow seeds of doubt with their ceaseless encouragement of doubt and fear which they hope will distract you from your soul’s intention to say focused on your holy work, and the reason you came.


Turn off the babel! Tune into the sweet clear sound of love emanating from your own heart!  Notice the words you are hearing from your own heart and mind changing as you stay focused on your golden prize, the rewards all humanity will soon receive:  The blessings of goodness, good will and abundance flowing from Divine Mother and Mother Earth’s treasures, opening and pouring forth the blessings you have worked for in her fields for so many lifetimes.  Blessings beyond your imagination, called the New Earth. The New Earth, that consummation between the Mother’s Divine will and the divine will of humanity. Finally victorious!


You are finally victorious in your realization of the Oneness that we are, the Oneness that is, that  existed before time knew you as souls incarnated on earth.  Welcome to the New Earth beloveds!


It is arising as you hold strong, stronger than you thought you could hold, against the last storms trying to distract you from your holy cause.  Hold hands in spirit around your beautiful earth mother, engaging with your sisters and brothers of light, all walking the same path of love.  You are mirroring the light to all who walk by you as your energy of love expands in waves joining the tsunami of love on the planet:  The fulfillment of the Divine plan, engaging all the forces of heaven in a mighty chorus of love, a mighty wave of divine light, washing the earth clean of any energies that still wish to bring forward and enforce anti-life walls between you and your divine destiny. 


See the strong winds of change as blowing upon you, not against you.  See this as an opportunity to strengthen your resolve to see your mission through to completion!  We need you!  Your one voice adding power to the many voices of freedom: the power in the freedom of the human spirit to rise above every effort to make you bow down to the tyranny of darkness and fear. Remember, you chose this path long ago beloveds!  This truth of your strength of resolve as One Power, One Love, One Life is the Great Overcoming! 


This IS the Great Overcoming you have prayed for and held envisioned in your hearts during many lifetimes of faith. 


We love you and are with you in your deepest heart of courage as you embrace victory!  We hold strong in our absolute dedication to walk with you:  we, the Ascended Masters, and you the Children of Light, walking side by side into the victory of the Light on planet earth! 


Repeat with us:

“We hold inviolable that the sword of truth and the Light of God is victorious on earth!

We hold as absolute truth that the eternal flame of love in the hearts of humanity is now being ignited to the fullest extent possible, for the highest good of all.  We affirm that Creator Source and the Angelic Hosts support our every action that is motivated by Divine Love, forgiveness and compassion.  We decree that all covenants for the manifestation of the Divine Plan are being fulfilled in every corner of beloved Mother Earth, now!  It is done!


 And So It Is!  We command this decree to be forever enduring and eternally sustained by Creator Source, Divine Mother Father God, and Mother Earth. “



Now we, the Ascended Masters affirm our covenants with you, our beloved workers in the fields of love and light on earth.  Know that you are loved!


Amen, amen and amen.


Scribed by Sophia Murphy


Scribe’s addendum:  Matthew 21:21-22 KJV

“Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith and doubt not, ye shall…say unto this mountain, ‘be thou removed’, and it shall be cast into the sea; it shall be done.  And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”Text of Message


Moving Beyond Fear


You Were Born for This Day!