All I Can Say


Beliefs I used to cling to

blow away like leaves in autumn,

when tested by the winds of change.


Life assures me, emptiness is not a sorrow.

Empty branches will fill again

with new buds in spring.


As it is for the tender bare branch in winter,

love arrives to nourish new life.

I begin again, I bloom.


All I can say

is thank you.



Letting go, I notice

on the other side of despair,

my hands fill with blessings.


Letting go, treasures fall through my fingers,

golden leaves of wisdom, not lost,

but simply reminders of who I am.


Letting go, I find I am not empty,

but full with a golden measure

of presence.


All I can say

is thank you.


© Sophia Murphy


Children Know


Something Beautiful: This Holy Ground