The New Light

Spring Words from Mother Earth

come sit with me 

quiet that beating heart of yours, dear one

my love is in the air you breathe

my sweetness in the buds you see,

                             raising their heads

                                          signaling hope


death has had its day

the darkness of winter is fading

quickly replaced by songs of feathered ones

lifting their wings high

in the perfect clouds

can you too feel the movement under your wings?


the unquenched spirit in each kingdom feels my inner call

nesting so the tender new ones can rest in the warmth

of belonging


do you feel the humming

the frequency of life surrounding you?

in you?


my mothering nudges all of life to come alive again

with its own unique song, whisper or roar


call your body awake, like opening a window for the first time

since chill winds stirred you to curl into dreaming or hiding away


now a new stirring…      take a breath…


              open   wide   the   door 



                 the   new   light  





Ó 3-22-24


Seed Thoughts from Mother Nature


The Gift